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Sugar is addictive and toxic, introducing

The Good Sugar Co.



Processed Sugar is the leading cause of obesity and kills more people than alcohol. *

It also takes your Blood Glucose level through a roller-coaster ride which ages you faster. *

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Our vision is to enable shift to a healthier alternative that exists in nature.

It should not be addictive but should taste the same to satisfy cravings.

It should also NOT have too many empty calories.

'chini kharab hai,  mithas nahi'

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The Good Sugar

- Tastes exactly like  old sugar 

- 100% NNatural     


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The Good Sugar?

Nice name, but Why should we trust you?

Good Question, because big sugar doesn't want you to. LOL, here's why:

- Monk Fruit and Erythritol are both natural sweeteners and have been approved by WHO,  US-FDA  and various other agencies as fit for human consumption. *

- It is being widely adopted by people worldwide in kitchens and  packed foods. *

But... We believe in saying the  whole truth , Although monk fruit has been used for hundreds of years in China but it has been approved by USA in 2010. Hence it still is a relatively new sweetener and we are committed to fund more research into it.

In case you have any questions, you can always reach out to us by clicking here.

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Know more about Monk Fruit and How Good Sugar is made.

Monk Fruit has been used by Monks in China for centuries as a sweetner but also in medicine.

You can click on the right to know the full process of how its made?



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The good sugar is awesome, It feels great to be out of the sugar addiction cycle and I feel more energetic. Best part is I don't have to compromise on the taste at all. 

Suman Kedia,  awesome Kheer maker

I am sold, how do I try this?

We will soon be available on Amazon and Blinkit




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